Monday, July 18, 2011

New Adventures, Better Endings

So... I made the decision to take charge of where my life is going. It wasn't going down the happy path, that's for sure. These last two weeks have brought ups and downs, kinda making me car-sick... I missed him last week. I missed him making me laugh, and it kinda sucks cause now thinking that I missed him making me laugh and being there for me when I was having a bad day. Thinking about it makes a tiny piece of me miss him again...
This weekend was great! I got to spend time with my amazing parents who met me in Anderson. We had dinner (sooo not on the diet plan) and then ran some errands. So good to see them, but only seeing them a few times a month really, really makes me miss them. (deep breath.... cause I got all teary eyed) They really are the two most amazing people in my life. I don't know where I'd be if they weren't the strong, supportive, loving people that they are.
I also got to see my other supporter.... my cousin and Godmother was visiting for the weekend from Tennessee. She just kept saying how proud she is and how far I've come. It's not easy to hear good things some times...
New schedules started at work today, I'm so happy to be off of work while the sun is still in the sky- though I didn't enjoy the sun at all, knowing that I'm home before the moon and stars are out just feels good.
I'm on a plane, on vacation in 9 days. I can't wait. Though I'm starting to have anxiety about having to ask for a seatbelt extender on the airplane. Something I swore I'd never do (I also said I'd never get bigger than the sizes at Old Navy-- then they started their Women's Plus sizes, which accommodated me, so I didn't TECHNICALLY break that rule)
I went swimming this weekend- I love the water. I swear, someday, I will own a pool. I was amazed at the number of calories that I burned treading water or just swimming a couple of laps... compared to talking myself into getting on the treadmill for weeks... it flew by.
That is all. Tomorrow I find out from my doctor if I'm a candidate to be put back onto ADHD medication. I've decided... now is the time. I've let two jobs slip past my fingers because I struggled to focus- but no more. I will blow people away at the commitment that I have to my job. I will succeed. And still, with my first bonus check- whenever that may come... I will buy my first Coach purse.

1 comment:

  1. I am here for you. If you ever want to meet up and hang out. Are you coming to the BSU homecoming? We are going to have a Theta get together weekend! I hope to see you there!


Grief... and Depression

From the book On Grief and Grieving ,"Empty feelings present themselves, and grief enters our lives on a deeper level, deeper than we e...